Review – The Epic Santa Chase by Lee M Winter

img_1955This book finishes up my reviews for the year. A short story first or children 9-12 years and a contemporary take on the true meaning of Christmas.

The story is fun all the way. At the end of a Nativity Play, Angus, who was cast as Joesph, and Hamish his best friend who was playing a chicken, give chase to a thief who takes off with some food donations for the poor and a bag containing Angus’ iPad! It’s an unlikely scenario, especially as they are accompanied by a Nike-trainer–wearing nun.

When Angus finally catches up with the thief, who was wearing a Santa costume at the time he committed the crime, he finds a very different situation to the one he had expected.

I wasn’t quite sure about the ending; maybe that should have played out a little differently, but the message was clear and the reading was fun.


5 thoughts on “Review – The Epic Santa Chase by Lee M Winter

    1. wendyunsworth Post author

      Hi Diana, yes it was fun And just a bit different too. I was looking for a few quick reads to complete my Goodreads challenge as Christmas was rapidly becoming a reality and I had a few titles to go! I also very much enjoyed How Santa Changed by Karl Steam.
      Hope you enjoyed the holiday. Looks like you had some ‘family time’ – me too. First with my daughter and son-in-law who are career types and it was all quiet dinners and good wine then with my son and three little grandchildren 6,5 and1 – what a contrast! Both lovely though. Back in my own world now!

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  1. Carl D'Agostino

    I’ve been doing several sentence reviews on amazonbooks of my reading, many just another review of famous works by contemporary writers last two decades. Some author’s have found me, I don’t know how, sent me a copy of book and asked for review. Most reviewers don’t do this for free but I have since I am reading all the time anyway. But it can get burdensome so maybe no more freebies for authors that solicit my opinions. In several I found a slew of grammar and mechanics errors. Seems like their editors not attentive but then I found out there is a difference between a proof reader and editor. There were two that I informed the author it would be better if I did not post a review because they novels were of poor quality in my opinion. Thanks for your recent visit to my blog.

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    1. wendyunsworth Post author

      Authors run the risk of criticism when they submit books for review but of course reviewers must give an honest view in order for reviews to be of any value at all. Like you, I prefer not to publish negative reviews. If a book has, in my humble opinion, some negative aspects I try to give a balanced view of why something didn’t work for me. Any work rife with errors would prompt a private reply to the author.

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